dinsdag 14 december 2010



Walking through the corridors of Camp Solo, women and children everywhere, it was incredibly full. The new camp wasn’t ready yet. Hundreds of women and children were waiting here for this new camp, when suddenly the news came that all boys from 10 years on would be taken away. No one knew where they would go to. What than happened I will never forget, it will be burned for ever in my memory, it was the worst thing I've ever seen. Women weeping and frightened boys, only ten years old and very afraid. They had already lost their fathers and now they didn’t know where they were going. Nobody knew. Those two days were hell for everyone. Then came the dreaded morning, big trucks arrived. There they were all together, 10 years and over, shivering with fear, some boys began to cry loudly, some ran back to their mothers and hat to be dragged away. Mothers stood there in despair, some began to scream and were quickly dragged away by other women. Then suddenly the trucks drove away taking your only son, brother or eldest son. An hour later it was all over, it became deadly silent in the camp. All you heard was many women crying, some screaming. It took weeks before they could cope. Then the new camp was ready and we all got some rest and an overview. All mothers though were anxious to know what had happened to their sons, so they were looking for a fortune teller or someone who could read cards, there were two of them.
For a little bit of sugar or something else they would read cards and tell you about your son, husband, etc. As time passed and certain things came out, such a card reader became more credible. They had a days work doing it. Because I was often bored, I always sat with the card readers and followed everything they did. I remembered everything of every reading. Slowly I learned to see for myself what would happen to the people and also saw the things the fortune teller concealed from them, if she saw something very bad happening to them. I thought that was very nice of her. If you follow the readers for days and weeks, it all becomes clear and you immediately could verify what was said was true. Everyone was so close by and everything went like wildfire, especially when a prediction was really happening.
Much later, in Holland as a girl of 15, 16 years old and in love, you wanted to know whether everything would be all right, so I started reading the cards for myself at first and later also for my friends. Soon my reputation as fortune teller became known. My whole life I have been reading cards for friends and acquaintances for free. I still do read cards sometimes, when one of my friends is ill or something very unpleasant is happening, just for myself to see what turn it takes. There has been a time,that to many friends called and ask me to do it so many because it was always coming true that it became all too much for me. I stopped then and now I am older, 75 and I do it whenever I want to know what happens to some one who is dear to me. I just do it for very good friends. They often asked me why I didn’t charge any money for it. My answer is: when I really do a good reading, then that is a gift.

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