woensdag 1 december 2010

Another Remarkable Event.


1963. We lived in Moordrecht, the children were 7, 6 and 5 years old. We had a normal newly built house in a neighbourhood with many children and a very good physician.
Walter, our eldest son, never had a problem, but the two girls were ill often. Every year they had ear- and throat infections and high fever. After consulting our physician, it was decided that their tonsils had to be taken out. So we went to the hospital in Gouda. They had to stay there overnight.I went through the procedure with them for many hours, to show them what exactly would happen with them every step of the way, so there would be no surprises for them. Then I had to bring them. It was the first time they didn’t sleep at home, which was terrible most of all for me. At six o’clock the next day I was dressed and at seven I went to the hospital and by nine o’clock we were home again. The youngest, Elizabeth was pale but healthy and happy. Arlette was still very ill. At the end of the afternoon she had a very high fever. She cried and she felt sick. Suddeny she vomited, it was terrible, blood and blood clots everywhere. Hysterical I called the physician and told him what had happened. He was with us in a jiffy, he looked at her, cursed and said: “a bleeding”. Put her immediately flat on her back and put a bucket beside her. Blood ran with a small trickle from her mouth into the bucket. What you’re going through in that moment is indescribable. He called the hospital and consulted the surgeon. He was very angry and before I knew it he had also called a neighbour who had been a nurse because the surgeon was coming to our house and insisted that there had to be a trained nurse present when he came. Arlette couldn’t be moved.
Deadly quiet my little darling lay there with the small trickle of blood coming out of her mouth and I saw her getting paler by the minute. I have never been so afraid. The surgeon came and I stayed at her headside. He made me quiet, white and darling Arlette opened her mouth and without her uttering any sound, he burned the wound in her throat. The nurse went down and was gone, but our physician stood next to the surgeon and helped him. The bleeding stopped. They listened to her lungs as she had gotten blood in her lungs. I have never seen a physician so angry. She got an injection of penecilline. Together we put her to bed and I stayed with her to look after her and making sure the bleeding didn’t return. She was only allowed to have a teaspoon of water every now and then, nothing more. She lay there perfectly still for hours. At 11.00 hours p.m. I ran down the stairs, out of the door to my left neighbour (we hadn’t spoken to each other for two years). I rang the bell and she opened the door. I said: you have been to Lourdes haven’t you? Yes,Yes she said. I asked: did you bring back some water from Lourdes? Yes, Dinkie, I did, she responded. May I please have some of it, I asked. Of course, she said and put water out of the Lourdes bottle in a cup and gave it to me. Good luck with your little Arlette, she said. Thank you, I answered. I ran back home and went quietly back to my little girl and asked if she was asleep. No mamma, she said. Okay dear, do you want some water? Don’t talk just nod. She nodded. I gave her, praying in silence, some of the Lourdes water and repeated that every 3 hours. At 8 o’clock in the morning she woke up. To my surprise she looked good. Smiling she asked me if she could get out of bed. Stunned I looked at her, everything seemed okay even the fever was gone. I cried with joy, she was allright. I washed her and gave her clean clothes and put her very carefully to bed again. Our physician came around 9 o’clock and was amazed to she her so cheerful. He asked her to sit with her face to the window and looked at her throat. This is very strange, he said after also taking her temperature, the fever is also gone.
He turned around and listened to her lungs, looked at me and literally said: a miracle has happened.
I can’t see anything in her throat anymore, the fever is gone and her lungs are much better. She has to finish the antibiotics, but it is unbelievable, this is really remarkable. He walked away shaking his head. My heart was overflowing with joy.
I went back to my neighbour and told her what had occurred. We stayed friends for as long as we lived in that house. My deep gratitude for this absolute miracle has always stayed with me. Now you can find more of Arlette’s doing on the website HYPERLINK "http://www.yogadoen.nl" www.yogadoen.nl .

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Being in the classroom with Ophra and Eckhart Tolle with a million other people, it’s unbelievable. People from all over the world participate and follow the lessons. Via Skype questions are being asked from all countries, such as Russia, Ireland, Hawaii, Hongkong, etc. What a special feeling it gives you, knowing that all these people are doing the same thing, all trying to be more understanding, feel more freedom and more feelings for each other and the world. Especially letting your own ego go, all together. Eckhart Tolle’s book (A new world) and his explanation give you the feeling that it is that simple, everyone can do it and should try it.

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