dinsdag 2 november 2010

The Ufo's Okay.

The Ufo's
Okay, a lot of people will be startled now, but as my father would say: “investigate everything and just keep the good things”.
In 1977 Willem and I were in Saudi Arabia in a camp (compound) in the middle
of the dessert, in Jubail, a place far from civilization. My son Andy was also with us and going to school there.
Imagine, in the middle of a huge sandpit, two camps (compounds) were built with walls around them. Again a camp, this time staying there out of free will. People living here were all working for a joint venture with Adriaan Volker, Hochtief (a German company) and CCC (a Libanese company). We were a mixed group one can say with also some English and Scots. It was quite an experience.
In this camp, we all lived in the same prefab houses. All houses were equally furnished, very simple. Under a shelter, we had a small terrace where you could only sit in the evening, due to the heat, during the day.
Later I will tell more about our life there in the dessert with all these wonderful people. The men worked really hard, building a harbour and were gone a lot.
For the women and the children there was a swimming pool, a general building and a small supermarket, where seldom there was anything to buy, because there was hardly any stock and when there was, it was very expensive. As there was hardly anything on TV or on the radio and no nice shops and no telephone,
the days were long and boring.
At that time in Holland people spoke about and were concerned about Ufo’s. Because of the many books and articles and all those people talking about it, I became also interested. One has to keep oneself informed. To form an opinion for myself whether I really believed in the phenomenon Ufo, I would absorb as much reading material as possible. I therefore had taken many books about Ufo’s. After reading them all, I still couldn’t form on opinion on how I though about it.
Then, there in the dessert, I started reading the last book on this topic, The Trojan Horse of John A. Keal, a scientific author, he wrote about: “Ufo’s, who are they, where are they coming from and where are they going to”. He wrote wonderfull and before I knew it, the story completely absorbed me, it was very exciting. In the small footnotes he wrote that while writing his enormous book, he encountered many strange things, including predictive dreams, which really came true. For instance, a telephone ringing day and night and when he picked it up, someone told him that a bridge would collapse and believe it or not, it really did. Often when he was called and picked up the phone there was no-one on the other side, this happened a lot at night when he was asleep, so that he felt as if he was guarded.
To my surprise, when reading this thrilling book, I received letters from my children in Holland, who lived in our house, writing that they went crazy by some idiot calling them at all times in the night. It was so bad that they even called upon the PTT (Telephone company) for help. While I was reading this book, I got more than one letter from them about this occurrence. The telephone company could not give them any information why this was happening, they couldn’t locate the caller either.
As of the moment that I finished the book, the telephone terror stopped and letters told me that there were no more calls at night, isn’t that strange Mam?
All of this amazed me and funny enough heard about two persons, who lived miles apart from each other, one in Curacao and one in England, who both claimed they had seen Ufo’s for real. The person from Curacao together with a lot other people claimed to have seen about a 100 flying over. The one from England had seen them very close by one night while they were driving home. They had been very scared.
My opinion on this phenomenon just lead us to give our sailing boat the name UFO. We have been very happy on this boat, so who knews.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

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