dinsdag 2 november 2010

About me

About me Dinkie

My website is about contacts with people who, just like me, have been in a Japanese concentration camp.
Problems which came to surface later, I dealt with myself. This blog tells you how I overcame these and how you can get old cheerfully. Homeotherapeutical medicines helped as well.
I will regularly write pieces about resolving things with my children and grandchildren. It might be of use to my readers as well. Relationships with daughters and sons and daughters- and sons in law are often tumultuous, therefore this item will also be addressed in my blog. I will also give some insight in recepis I use, book & film reviews and all other hobbies of mine, that give me a lot of pleasure. I am also interested in reincarnation and UFO's. Freedom is my highest priority, yours, Dinkie.

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