dinsdag 26 april 2011



Dark and gloomy was also the morning, realizing that her future would be without parents. The deep blue autumn sky, she saw through the window, seemed to mock her. Slowly she got dressed and went to the hypnotherapist in the next village for her first session. Feeling sad she drove to her appointment taking a small plant with her. Marianne, a small thin woman opened the door. After a pleasant chat with a cup of tea, she was summoned to lie down on the long chair with a pillow and blanket over her.
In the quiet dim room, Marianne spoke to her so softly, that she felt completely relaxed. Everything was quiet until she almost fell asleep: “now try to go to your own place, see a forest or a beach. Do you see something yet?” “No”. “Go inside your head and find your own place”. Everything remained dark, I sank deeper and deeper inwards. The soft voice continued in cadence. Suddenly, a bright flash of light, bright sun, clear blue sky. A girl walking in a lane with trees. I knew that girl, it was me!’
Surprised and shocked by the brightness of the light and the recognition, the image suddenly was gone.
And so three other sessions followed with flashes of a familiar past, very fascinating. The fourth session I was looking forward to turn into my head, it was as if a door suddenly opened and there was my own place, a very neglected terraced garden, a crystal clear image.
This wild garden went from high to low. I was sitting on two weathered tombstones on which the letters weren’t readable anymore due to age and the moss. Further there was grass. One terrace lower again grass and some wild flowers and plants. Then again another lower terrace with only tall grasses and wildflowers and next to it a grove of tall pines and meadows and above it a clear blue sky.
Near the grove of pines was a large pasture fenced with a high white fence, with in it a black horse. So this was my own place, how very odd,special and why a black horse?
Still I felt completely at home there. Marianne, wrote everything down and told me that you could meet whomever you want in your own place. Can I see my parents back, I asked. It should be possible, she said, if they also want to see you again. We will try it next time. I couldn’t wait, I longed for that moment, I so much wanted to see them. Finally, the moment was there.
I saw the garden, my own place, very quickly and again enjoyed the view and the beautiful wild black horse. In mind, I asked my parents to come and there, to my amazement, my father came, so clear, so real, with such a sweet smile, that I began to cry terribly. Then my mother came as well as a very young person. Weeping I said: Mum, how white your teeth are and you are so beautiful. Yeah, she said and I kept crying. If you keep on crying you ruin everything, she said, typically my mother. My father said: hello child, don’t be so sad my dear, enjoy the fact that we are with you now and here.
Is this your garden now, my mother asked. It looks more like a wilderness and what are those two tombstones doing there? I don’t understand that this is your favorite place, very strange. And what do you do with a black horse?
Look Gwen, a flower, my father said. Henk, that isn’t a flower, that is weed. This conversation flowed on like this, so typical of my parents, that I was laughing and crying at the same time.
My father turned back to me and said: child, you have to enjoy life, live, do not suffer, don’t worry so much, just enjoy. We will meet again soon, have some wonderful years.
Stop whining, my mother said. I then had to laugh about this comment, which was so typical for her, and slowly they faded away. I called: please stay, stay!
Marianne said: Dinkie, let them go, you have seen them now, let them go, girl and come back slowly. Are you all right again? she asked sweetly.
After a delicious cup of tea and a long talk about everything, I went home feeling very happy and I promised myself to follow my father’s advice to start living.
After another 5 amazing sessions with Marianne to various past lives, such as England, America, and Morocco with many people and good and bad situations, I also met my helper in the garden. A more optimistic and happier man you cannot imagine, I can still learn a lot from him. All this was one of the finest things I have witnessed in my life and I still think back about it with great joy. Thanks for all your patience, dear Marianne.

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