zaterdag 26 februari 2011

Living On An Earth Radius.


The house of my youngest son is called the “vijf senses”, which I think is a beautiful name. The house was built around 1885 and in that time it used to be a farm. It is big and has at least been rebuilt ten times. Here and there you still will find something very old.
Our house was also built in 1884 or earlier. It consisted of a house and a shop where meat was sold. Now it is also completely rebuilt. An old house will always give you work to do, it never ends, but it has an atmosphere that you will find nowhere, it feels like a warm blanket around you.
A fortune teller came to visit us here and she felt that there was a great earth radius running through the house and she told us: you should never leave. We had also noticed that since we lived here, we hardly had any problems, everything just runs smoothly and the problems we encountererd were dissolved great.
It is also curious that everything that was planted in the garden is growing incredibly. We have a willow, which has become very big, it is just scary. It is 25 years old now. A bit further in the street were also two willows planted in 1953 but the trunk of these trees are much thinner than ours. The growth here is almost impossible to stop, everything here grows fast and tall. The funny thing is that everyone coming here always say that we live in a small paradise. There hasn’t been anyone not saying it and now we even wait and expect people to say it and usely it happens.
Once I met two older American women, whom I had helped in Zierikzee, they could not find their hotel anymore, they were lost and I invited them to visit me, because I really liked them and they seemed a bit lonely. When they came in the house the first thing they said, its like a little paradise, I said it is an old house with many wrong things.
Now that we have plans to move in the future and this place will be up for sale, we want to live in Drente or elswhere, but where and how will we ever find another house with such a good earth radius which brings us so much luck. We have to be looking at the height of the trees and have to get a warm feeling, meaning it feels good, what else can we do and will we ever find it??????.
Let’s hope that we will be able to find such a place again. We will do our utmost best,if we will find it remains to be seen. I sincerely hope that we will succeed.

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